To achieve an efficient and reliable operation and maintenance of a wind farm, an international consortium develops an AI-based “Multi Criteria Decision Support System” within the project SmartWind.

The wind energy sector with its increasing number and size of wind farms becomes more and more important- in Germany and all over the world. Due to the rising share within the electric power supply, besides the energy yield special emphasis is also placed on the minimisation of maintenance costs.

To achieve an efficient and reliable operation and maintenance of a wind farm, an international consortium develops an AI-based “Multi Criteria Decision Support System” within the project SmartWind. Therein, all relevant parameters and measurement data of the wind farm are combined and analysed to reconstruct the current condition of all wind farm assets. Based on this information, the optimal operation and maintenance interval of the assets can be predicted. Furthermore, through an intelligent coordination of operation of the power plants, electrical and aerodynamic interactions caused by wake effects can be minimised.

The objective of the German subproject of SmartWind is the development of an advanced wind farm control with different methods of active wake control using AI-algorithms to achieve an optimisation of energy yield and grid quality as well as a reduction of mechanical stress of the wind farm assets.

The German subproject “Conception and realisation of an advanced wind farm control with active wake control and AI-based algorithms” is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action with the project number “03EE2020“.

Contact: Katharina Günther, M.Sc.

project website